I had a good day.
Despite losing my favorite pens that I love more than anything in the world and misplacing my jacket leaving me cold in the wind, I hiccup-laughed from 1AM to 3:30. "Hiccup-laughing" is what happens to me when something is so drastically funny I have to inhale rapidly to stop from passing out, and the inhales are still laughing and it's squeaky and it sounds like a hiccup.
I mean, last night was so exciting because of arkapaino. Whoever you are, arkapaino, you make me laugh SO MUCH. Plus there was some other excitement* in my life so yeah.
English was fun because I kept singing Cascada (I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me...) and it was great. AHAP was GREAT because Cam and Alex and the stapler and the 3 Stooges and it was wonderful; hiccup-laughing for ten minutes straight. Calc is always funny, chem is always funny, paper wasn't too funny but I couldn't stop smiling, Spanish wasn't funny but that's ok because writer's workshop was HILARIOUS!!!! Let's just say my teacher said "He's eating your sausage!" and... well... we're teenagers what do you expect!!!!
I mean. I'm happy. It's weird. I am really upset about the pen thing but I just don't want to focus on that and I'm worried about the impending ~doom~ of AHAP and a chemistry test that I'm sure to fail and a calc test coming up... but I think I'll be OK.
*lol you think this is going to tell you anything! HA I laugh at your idiocy but this asterisk may very well be the reason I'm so giddy WHO KNOWS~
Despite losing my favorite pens that I love more than anything in the world and misplacing my jacket leaving me cold in the wind, I hiccup-laughed from 1AM to 3:30. "Hiccup-laughing" is what happens to me when something is so drastically funny I have to inhale rapidly to stop from passing out, and the inhales are still laughing and it's squeaky and it sounds like a hiccup.
I mean, last night was so exciting because of arkapaino. Whoever you are, arkapaino, you make me laugh SO MUCH. Plus there was some other excitement* in my life so yeah.
English was fun because I kept singing Cascada (I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me...) and it was great. AHAP was GREAT because Cam and Alex and the stapler and the 3 Stooges and it was wonderful; hiccup-laughing for ten minutes straight. Calc is always funny, chem is always funny, paper wasn't too funny but I couldn't stop smiling, Spanish wasn't funny but that's ok because writer's workshop was HILARIOUS!!!! Let's just say my teacher said "He's eating your sausage!" and... well... we're teenagers what do you expect!!!!
I mean. I'm happy. It's weird. I am really upset about the pen thing but I just don't want to focus on that and I'm worried about the impending ~doom~ of AHAP and a chemistry test that I'm sure to fail and a calc test coming up... but I think I'll be OK.
*lol you think this is going to tell you anything! HA I laugh at your idiocy but this asterisk may very well be the reason I'm so giddy WHO KNOWS~
@arkapaino has made my life. I could die happy right now. Not like I want to die...I'd miss you too much. <3
Anyhow, your abundance of laughter has made me quite jealous, especially since my day has been incredibly lame. BOO.
Your asterisk just called me an idiot. NOT COOL, YO.
By the way, I love that you're still using my background. ^_^
saying that something made you happy and then being all im not going to tell you *giggles* implies that it involves a boy. I believe i am correct but I may not be.
~oooooooooooooh~ a boy?