
how long until there's a collab-account for dailybooth?
youtube is well overrun, and twitter has a few.
just curious.


Sorry I haven't like... updated at all.

I've already expressed my desire to please my English teacher [not like that, ew].
And my love for my father.

I mean, that's really all there is to me.

Reading Othello now. We finished Inferno. Shakespeare. God. Impossible.

Also, reading All Quiet on the Western Front. I need a fun book. Sigh.

It's 11:30. I'm exhausted. -yawn-

-- Katy.

I love my father.

SOON TO COME: blogpost about the amazingness that was my last Thursday.

FOR NOW: deal with this.

For a few weeks now, my dad has been saying he needs to get me a new mattress, which he does. It isn't a good mattress. So we were going to get one. It was him, me, and my two little sisters, Ellie and Clara. So we go to Rainbow [which is a street] and my dad pulls into this car dealership. Of course I'm just "Uh... dad?" There are a bunch of white pick-up trucks in this parking lot and a little stone box of a building with a green shade thingy that says RAINBOW in big, white, faded letters. He goes down this fairly steep hill, still a part of the parking lot, which is just a continuation of the used car place.

And, lo and behold, there's a big white sign with red letters that reads "MATTRESS OUTLET." Leave it to my father to want to buy me a mattress in a dodgy basement of a used car dealership.

Of course, the mattress outlet is closed.

New Mattress Purchase Attempt Number 1: FAILURE.

Now, I would like to point out today's weather.
February 7, 2009, in Kansas: 65 degrees Farenheight. Really? REALLY? Seriously? Like, REALLY, Kansas?

Now, this does factor into my story. After we exit the parking lot of the now-closed Mattress Outlet in the basement of a used car dealership, we go to the Rainbow car-wash. How exciting. I love that place. My dad used to take us there when I was younger. And then we went to possibly the greatest popcorn place of all time: Velvet Creme Popcorn.

Oh. My. God. I adore that place. It's amazing. It's phenomenal! Buy some delicious popcorn please.

And so then we're driving back. My dad is great in cars. There are a bunch of bikers in front of us who are, you know, not going very fast. He's annoyed at this. So he gets on their asses. They don't stop at the stop sign. He does not like this.

"You want to be treated like drivers?! OBEY THE LAWS OF TRAFFIC!" he yells through his open window before turning to go onto a street that does not have bikers on it. I find his point very valid. No offense, bikers.

Katy: You love nice weather because you can yell at people, don't you?
Dad: Yup. Your mom just says "You want people to hear you?" And I say "Of course! It's no fun if they can't hear you! Otherwise you just look like an idiot who's yelling in their car!"

I love my father.

Off to New Mattress Purchase Attempt Number 2. Let's hope this place isn't dodgy.
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