just some words.

I was going to blog about how frustrating it was trying to get the cherry at the bottom of my crushed ice, with no liquid left, in my cherry limeade... but right as I hit the "new blog" button and waited for the page to load, I managed to get the cherry. I then ate it. It was delicious.

Now I'm staring at the blankness (though not so blank anymore) and decided: I should still blog. I owe The People (what people?) a decent (or my definition of such) blog. So... here you go:

I went to Sonic, where I got the cherry limeade, and got a corndog. I believe that the corndog is the most delicious, perfect food there is.

(Skip to about... 50 seconds? It counts down and not up, just FYI.)

I don't think I could have said it better than Stanley here. Corndogs are delicious. Also, onion rings.

I have a lot of shit to dooooo. Summer homework is a real bummer.

First off, I have to "read selected chapters from Thoreau's Walden and McLean's A River Runs Through It. For both books, you will be expected to annotate and to maintain a double-entry quotation journal as you read. Be sure to read the instructions for annotation that follow. The annotation and the quotation journal for each book will be graded."

Sounds fun, right?

And of course there's all my American History AP (now forever known as AHAP; the teacher's name is Yoda) stuff, which I haven't even started looking at... it looks like a shitton. I'm not excited.

And on top of all that?

I'm gonna be on newspaper next year, as part of the developing online staff, so I'll have summer assignments spread throughout the year for that. First one's due Friday... I don't even know what it is.

Effing summer. With my job, and what I hope to accomplish with my social life, I'm hardly going to have any time at all to do what I usually do during the summer!

Which is to say: relax and do absolutely nothing. I'm also losing a lot of prime reading time. ): Hopefully I can keep up with the DFTBA Street Team assignments.

Also, hopefully I can beat up Malaise, my inner procrastinator. Yes, she has a name. I name a lot of people.

But Katy, your inner procrastinator isn't a person!

Shut up, angst.

Yeah, you name your procrastinator, but not your angst, who you actually HAVE CONVERSATIONS WITH.


Will she ever go away? (My angst, I mean.)

I've been sick for the past two days. I've watched the entirety of the Office: Season 4. zomg I love that show. One of the only reasons I'm better anymore. (: Greg Daniels, I salute you.

I suppose I should write about my dream, and how I somehow convinced a race of highly intelligent aliens that humans were small brained and afraid of accepting anyone unique and individual, and that when I tried to stop them I only became more certain that they were right... but Angst might come back, so I'll just leave it at that.

Did you really just call me Angst?

Great, looks like she's back. Do you HAVE a name already?

Some call me Holden. Others call me Harry.

Ugh. You're a boy?


Eff. Alright... Holdarry... Harldon? ... Holdarry, I guess we'll go with. Wanna wrap this up?

Sure, I guess.




We get cool missions and stuff.

I'm not just doing it for the iPod.

I'm doing it for the good of your INNER SELF.

Your INNER SELF needs this.

No spam, unless you count random bands e-begging for you to be a fan of them (which are easy to ignore, and nothing dissimilar from youtube), and they have those really cool widgets. Now I can play DFTBA Records music on my blog! Check out that widget over there! -->

So sign up if you haven't already. Here's the thing again:


So yeah. It's awesome.

the internet.

Writing didn't go well.

Hopefully summer will bring some good times and a good muse.

I have a date this weekend, also. There's some excitement.

School's to be done soon. Busy day tomorrow. Busy day Thursday. I should not have this much to do at the beginning of summer, but alas. It's far too late... I'm going to be exhausted by the end of the day.

Sooooo I love Kaitlin

Top Ten Sites I Visit the Most:

1. Blogger. I blog, I read blogs (especially Kaitlin's and Hayley's... they're my favorites. <3 Also all the other bookworms and Sierra!)

2. YouTube. Nerdfighter-girl's gotta keep up with her subscriptions!!

3. Facebook. I creep too much... also facebook chat keeps me pretty entertained sometimes. <3

4. Gmail. I compulsively check my e-mail. Don't ask why. It's a habit, kind of.

5. Left handed toons. Even when that site isn't updated, I just go on it and hit "random." God I love Drewmo. Are you all following him on twitter?? @drewmo

6. All my other webcomics. Buttersafe, Dino Comics, Goodbye Chains, SMBC... need my daily lulz (and occasional angst (Goodbye Chains))

7. McSweeney's. Though honestly, I'll not go on it in a while, and then spend hours catching up and reading all the stories on it. <3

8. Twitter. I'm really not on twitter that much, since I get updates to my phone and such, but still a decent amount of time is spent on that website.

9. Nerdfighter Ning. I don't post too frequently, but when something catches my eye I'll post. I comment on blogs a lot, too.

10. iilwy games, PostSecret, amazon, tumblr, and OfficeTally all share this spot.

a quest.

I miss writing.

I still "write," but I haven't produced anything I really love in a looong time. Not even last NaNo's was all that inspiring.

I miss seeing a blank page and imagining it as opportunity. Now I see it as an obstacle, a challenge I'm just not up to.

I miss sitting in a quiet room and hearing my thoughts bounce around happily, creating a little story for only me. Now I have to turn on music, otherwise it's just overwhelming.

I need my muse.

I need inspiration.

Maybe that's why I'm so desperate to leave. I need new experiences, I need to live. I used to be so content, I used to find inspiration in the smallest things.

I'm going to try to write something. I'll let you know how it goes.

love you.

Interesting things I found in the movie theatre:

  • A diaper, full of pee.

  • Two parts to a High School Musical BFF bracelet.

  • A green pen that writes in red.

Talking with my manager:
Me: Look! I found a best friends bracelet! And I found it in two parts, so that means I can give the other part to someone. Haha.
Him: There are a few boys here that wouldn't mind having that other part...

Yup. I guess I'm a hottie. And exceedingly charming. Or something.

I'm sorry that's all I ever tweet about anymore... I know I'm a nerd and I should be tweeting nerdy-type things but I don't know. I tweet what happens to me. And this is what's been happening to me.

Anyway, I made a list of sorts.

People I talk to the most:
(mostly in order)

  • Rachel (Bookworm)

  • Darci

  • J-Lat

  • Sierra

  • Emily G.

  • Rachel (non-BW)

  • Cory

  • Megan P.

People I feel like I talk to a lot but really don't:
(meaning I just read and comment on their blogs/youtube videos/facebook notes)

  • Kaitlin

  • Hayley G. Hoover

  • Alan

  • Alysabeth

  • Kaiha

If you don't think we talk all that much... shows the lack-of-life I have, eh? <3

books and booklist

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. othello
6. all quiet
7. slaughterhouse-5
8. a separate peace
9. wizards (collection of short stories)
10. cat's cradle
11. with the old breed
12. one flew over the cuckoo's nest
13. 13 little blue envelopes
14. extremely loud and incredibly close
[15. youtube: an insider's guide to climbing the charts]

books I now own:
A Separate Peace
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Youtube: An Insider's Guide to Climbing the Charts
Spaceman Blues: a love song

soon to own:
How We Are Hungry
You Shall Know Our Velocity
Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2007

up next on the booklist:
[soon to own list]
running with scissors
the vampire armand

eh, got an hour to kill.

Figure I might as well blog.

I realize I haven't written about my NEW JOB, and that it's only come up in passing. I'm currently employed at Cinemark, a movie theater. Just left an extremely angsty comment on [someone]'s blog about an experience from my first day. The hour I am currently killing ( *stab stab stab!* ) is in preparation for working later today. I got a call earlier today asking me to work at 2, and I was like "Uhh yeah right."

False, I was more like "Oh gosh, I'm sorry, but I can't! Sorry!" Because I apologize a lot to seem more polite? I don't know, I'm like a different person at work. And a different person on the internet. And a different person in my house, or at school, or while reading... Holden would call me a phony. I'm not a phony, I just... don't know who I am.

Hey, angst, leave me alone for once.

You're reading Catcher in the Rye; I really can't help myself.

Well, I finished Catcher, so leave me the hell alone already.

Doesn't mean you're going to stop thinking about it!

Dammit, angst is right. I'm not going to stop thinking about it. Or Cuckoo, or A Separate Peace. Stupid literature, influencing my decisions and stuff. I'm thinking about running away... you know, packing my laptop and some clean underwear and just going to New York. I really want to.

But I'm not going to.

Look for me in the insane asylum, because I'm either gonna pull a Finny or end up like Holden. I don't think I'm strong enough to be Chief.

(Separate Peace, Catcher, and Cuckoo. Suggested reading.)


Hey what's up yo?

Oh nothin' much. Except a lot.

Wanna talk about it?

Nah, not really.

You sure?

Well fine. It's pretty simple, though.



Go for it.

Job, boys, phone, bank, money, friends, school, Catcher in the Rye, endings, beginnings, television, books, blogs, internet, FreeLancer, StuCo, lack of sleep, food, nanowrimo...

Sound pretty familiar.

It helps that you're me. Also that I've talked about it all before.



Kaitlin asked what I thought about Average American Male.

It made me dislike guys a lot. I question it's truthfulness. It was disgusting and similar to what everyone has told me about guys. Then I see things like vloglovers and talk to people who are totally different... and I desperately, desperately hope I don't become one of the girls in that book. The main character resembles the Average American Sitcom-Style Male; you know, the typical sex-driven, must-make-sexually-degrading-comments-about-every-girl-in-the-bar type of guys.

So yeah. That's what I thought about Average American Male.

Rachel's hair smells good.

She told me.

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. othello
6. all quiet
7. slaughterhouse-5
8. a separate peace
9. wizards (collection of short stories)
10. cat's cradle
11. with the old breed
12. one flew over the cuckoo's nest
13. 13 little blue envelopes
[14. extremely loud and incredibly close]

Catcher in the Rye

You know how I said I was tired of always blogging about P-Nelli?

Whatever, more anecdotes.

Finished Cuckoo's Nest, it was AMAZING. Loved it. So much. Awesome. I wanna see the movie. :)

Started Catcher in the Rye. zomg I love this book. My copy is signed by John Green, Printz-and-Edgar Allan Poe-Award-Winning-and-New-York-Time's-bestselling author. :D

P-Nelli also loves this book. He sympathizes (or more appropriately empathizes) so much with Holden; it's cute. He said, "There are few things in life I know, and this book is one of them." I'm so excited for this book.

He talked about JD Salinger and how he became a recluse after his book got really popular. He lives on the outskirts in a hut in a small town/village thing in Pennsylvania or something, and the people in the "city" part protect him from "rabid fans." There are zero movies made and it's illegal to make an audio recording of the novel. He said he didn't want to spoil anyone's view of Holden in the book. Also he's done zero interviews with any newspapers like the New York Times and stuff like that. He used to, however, do interviews with school newspapers. He loves kids, not in a creepy way, but in a damn-they-aren't-fucked-up-like-adults-are way, so he'd do little interviews like that and that was about it. But once, these two kids from a local high school came to do an interview, then went and sold it to the New York Times. What a HORRIBLE thing to do to a guy; completely shatter all his faith in humanity. I mean, it's not like he has social issues enough. Obviously, now he doesn't do any interviews of any kind. It's really sad.

Also, P-Nelli told us a story that is probably only funny for me and I really don't feel like retelling it. But guys reading this blog: READ CATCHER IN THE RYE. Copies are not hard to find at all. John Green loves it. Just saying, read the book. Please?

(Seriously, if my "love" for my English teacher is beginning to freak anyone out... I'm sorry.


Also, since I already read it, this won't be on my 50-books-in-a-year-booklist. However, soon 13 Little Blue Envelopes will be done, and I'll be caught up with Sierra again! BWAHAHAHA. <3)

an apology

I'm sorry my blog posts have been shit lately. I know all I ever talk about is

a) English homework
b) school (in general)
c) general YouTube fangirling.

And that's not fair to you, [insert READER NAME here]! You deserve my top-quality blogs! I mean, sure, this is a bit of a cat blog, but I at least want to ENTERTAIN!

I have a pretty limited understanding of the things in the world, therefore a limited things to blog about. I like English and I go on the internet a lot. I go to school. I like reading and talking about books and literature. I mean really. That's my life. I don't date, I don't socialize (much, though it seems I'm going to prom...), I just do what I like and say "fuck the rest."

And as much as I love Little Miss Sunshine... is that really a fair way to take on life? I'm not exposing myself to anything new by doing the same old thing, sticking with the same old clique of people (online: Nerdfighters), everything I do and like and listen to (music-wise) is somehow related to the rest.

Should I go out and get drunk? Do I need to "find myself" by doing drugs? Hell no, not where I was going... but what can I do? I keep telling myself I'll "wait until college," where I can really "come out."

But am I to blame if I earnestly have "found myself?" I know who I am - am I supposed to ignore that? But even P-Nelli struggled with English in high school; he was a math nerd, a science geek, not an English buff. English was a challenge to him -- that's why he majored in it in college. What am I supposed to do?

Identity crisis much.

Stupid being-a-confused-and-socially-awkward-teenager-with-a-soapbox.


Last night, after enjoying a wonderful skype chat with the lovely Alan and Rachel, I spent 3 hours doing English homework and did not go to bed until 2am.
Tiredness: +70

The only two reasons I could stay awake were my cool new turquoise pants and the ALL CAPS CD.
Tiredness: -10

Mother annoyed me in the car.
Tiredness: +15

I took a 10 minute nap.
Tiredness: -5

I filled out boring paperwork.
Tiredness: +20

I got excited about my job uniform.
Tiredness: -5

I just got back from a baseball game.
Tiredness: +15

So that puts the current Tiredness level at...

That's when you sleep and reset the clock to 0. Sounds like a good idea to me.

nanowrimo: six months and counting.

I wasn't going to blog today.

Two reasons:
1) To spite Eevee, and
2) I didn't want to feel like I needed to.

And no, I don't feel like I need to, but I just wanted to post stuff here about NaNoWriMo in November. I feel that since it's exactly 6 months away, I can start plotting* away, and you all can follow along this epic journey with me!

What I came up with today:

basic plot:
The documenting of the Moon Colony, occupied by Earthlings, set in 2059, as it is invaded by a different species of aliens. The aliens are using the radio frequencies to manipulate the fears of the people and influence, however indirectly, their actions. (Most of this is fairly subject to change.)

The story is paralleled by a Space Mission from 2030, twenty nine years prior, as remembered by the main character: Carl Kariuki the janitor custodian from Kenya.

Also included:
various flashbacks from the age of the dinosaurs
random anecdotes in which unicorns and dragons rule the Earth
early colonization "facts" about the moon.

It'll be written as though it's a nonfiction book, except for when Carl is narrating. I'm pretty excited about it. Let me know what you think.

*puns are fun.
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