beda 8

Wrote something during lunch.

Didn't like it.

Deleted it.

Can't think of anything to write about, but I must make my blogs like-able! Sigh.

Oh but hey, look at this email that just came in.

Aww, thanks Mr. Distro.

Anyway. I'm not feeling prose-y. So you just get little lines. I hate it when I do that because it just
looks like
I like
pressing the
enter key
too much.
But I don't!
Alright, I do.

Should I do two spaces?
Or just one?

It's a big deal. I really like to vary the length of my paragraphs. Like a one-liner is ok every once in a while, but only after there is a sufficient paragraph that looks like I put effort into it. I think the appearance and formatting of the text is one of the major parts of blogging. I can't read anything that's just a HUGE BLOCK OF TEXT, especially when written in a sans-serif font like arial or helvetica, etc. I get so discouraged when I see no spaces in between. It's one reason I love Kurt Vonnegut so much. He does short chapters, but they're not all one page, but some are. Some are three pages. But nothing is too long that it feels like I'm struggling to get through it. It's nice to have breaks so frequently, because it's easier to find places to stop and gather thoughts. Simultaneously, it makes you feel smart that you're reading so many chapters so quickly.

Formatting means so much. I've always been absorbed in chapter titles and paragraph lengths and chapter lengths. I'm kinda weird. That's why I think I belong in the publishing company. Why I know I belong there.

M'kay. Tomorrow's blog will be better. I have homework to do and people to talk to.

// edit: I posted this and then realized my blog is in a sans-serif font! WTF SELF! HYPOCRITE! *edits html*

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