beda 22, hey hey hey

On skypizzle with my B-Dubs.
Or you know, two of them: Eevee y Cor Cor. Love 'em.

So. What's the BEDA topic of the day?

English? Nope, not going to talk about it.
Nerimon? Not gonna talk about him either.
Alan's blog? Nope, keep guessing.
HayleyGHoover? Love her, but no.
Kristina? Love her too... but still no.
Armageddon? I'm flattered that you know I just watched it, but nope, not that either.
Zac Efron? The Jo Bros? Nay, I say, NAY!
Summer? Nope.
How effing hot it is in your room? Double nope.
Outside? TRIPLE nope.
Books? Hey, that counts as English, doesn't it?

So... what?

I dunno. Nothing.

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. othello
6. all quiet
7. slaughterhouse-5
8. a separate peace
9. wizards (collection of short stories)
10. cat's cradle
[11. with the old breed]
[12. i know why the caged bird sings]
[13. one flew over the cuckoo's nest]

BEDA is getting haaaaaaaaard.

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