

I'll miss you, blogosphere.
I'll miss you, skype.
I'll miss you, facebook (even though you continuously make my computer freeze...).
I'll miss you, Nerdfighteria.

Leaving tomorrow. This is my last day home. MAKE CONVERSATIONS HAPPEN! Specifically, call me on skype so I can pack and chat! Text me! E-mail me at karatetentacles@gmail.com so I can tell you where to send CARE PACKAGES!

See y'all on Sunday the fifth.


Seriously. What is this nonsense. I'm BUSY. I have a LIFE. I hate this.

Darci-time. (10:30-3ish?)
Work. (4:30-11)
Skype PAR-TAY! (no sleep)

Sleep late.
Work (4:30-11)
Cousin's birthday party

Movie with Kaiha. (1:30-3:30?)
Work (4:30-11)

Mom's birthday; we're seeing Up.
Pack for camp

Tuesday-next Saturday:

Sigh. No internets for those days I'm at camp. I'll live, right? I probably won't have twitter 24/7, but I'll be able to check them at night and during breaks and what not. Text me and I'll try to text you back. Send me care packages!! If you want the address, e-mail me:

I'm making my packing lists now. Gotta get ready to rock the night morning/early afternoon away with Dar. ;)

something personal.

10 things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now (don't list names):

10. You have absolutely no idea how lost I'd be without you.
9. Yes, I like you, and you're dating, so quit rubbing it in my face.
8. Please please please leave me the fuck alone. I do not like you.
7. If there were stairs around, you would be pushed down them.
6. I feel like something's missing, and I know it's because we don't talk anymore.
5. Every time I see something you post on facebook, I want to comment on it, but I can't imagine how awkward that would be.
4. We need to hang out. I know I've found a friend in you, but we need to make things happen.
3. I wish you knew those feelings for you never went away, and that's why I whore around you all the time.
2. I'd be more willing to talk to you if every time you were in rehab, it actually made a difference.
1. Thanks for putting up with me. I know it's hard sometimes.

9 things about yourself:

9. I'm nearly impossible to put up with.
8. I force my ideas down everyone's throats, but I appreciate disagreements.
7. I've chosen love and work.
6. I love Harry Potter.
5. I love popsicles.
4. Sometimes, I wish I could be more of a teenager.
3. Other times, I'm glad I'm not.
2. I read a lot. It makes me happy, and I like the escape.
1. Even if I have no idea what to say, I can manage to ramble.

8 ways to win your heart

8. Being a nerd.
7. Loving Holden and Harry.
6. Reading my blog.
5. Have a good sense of humor.
4. Understand my humor.
3. Understand my awkward people-person skills.
2. Listen to me whine, and don't be afraid to whine back.
1. Be attractive. Whoops, that's shallow.

7 things that cross your mind.

7. My retainer is far too fun to take in and out of my mouth.
6. This gum smells good. I want some.
5. *chew chew chew chew*
4. I'm too tired to do this.
3. Why is music not playing?
1. When you look at you and me, we're different, different as can be...

6 things you wish you never did:

6. Told my mom that something she was wearing looked silly, even though she was finally branching out and trying something different and I literally laughed at her.
5. Signed up for that programming in Java class.
4. Dated that boy.
3. Let it get so far with that boy.
2. Watched HP the Musical. (LIES!)
1. Started working at Cinemark :P

Five turn offs:

5. Obnoxious laughs.
4. Excessive whiny-ness.
3. Squinty eyes. I do not live in a desert.
2. Beef jerky.
1. Crying.

Four turn ons:

4. Red hair. *shrug*
3. Harry Potter references.
2. Intelligence/big vocabulary.
1. Egocentric assholes. Don't ask me.

Three smileys that describe your life:

3. ;D
2. :*
1. :{)

Two things you want to do before you die:

2. See my name on the spine of a book.
1. Adopt Cambodian (or Guatemalan) babies.

One confession:
If I say something more than once, it's not a joke anymore.

awesome things:

1) Nine hour shift at work? LULZ it was actually OK. I built it up to be so awful and traumatizing in my head, but it really wasn't that bad. It was an OK night overall.

2) HP the Musical. Just... youtube-it if you haven't seen it. Worth every hour.


4) Listening to Zefron sing High School Musical songs... shush, I'm allowed. Soarin, flying...

5) An Awful Lot of Running music video

6) You Shall Know Our Velocity!, which I am currently reading.

7) Not having braces. That just feels so awesome.

8) Ministry of Magic. They make my jubilant mood even better (:


new job

I think I'm gonna quit my Cinemark job. And go work at Baskin Robins. It'll be awesome.

one twenty one.

Today was sufficiently less book-filled than days prior.

I made a video in which I vlog like Romeo, of "and Juliet" fame.

I used that joke on three separate occasions today. I just think I'm so clever. Speaking of reveling-in-my-own-cleverness, I started editing my NaNo novel from last November, and god damn it's like... GOOD. (As in, I have some pretty good theme/symbolism going on!) I feel like with a LOT of polishing, including a LOT of outside help, it could actually be a somewhat decent novel! Not publishable... not until a few years being cut up into tiny pieces and reassembled into something awesome, at least.

There's a quote from Vonnegut's Timequake I feel would work well right about now, but I can't find it... ugh. This is disappointing. IT WAS SO WELL WORDED AND WOULD WORK SO NICELY AND IT'S NOT ON THE INTERNET. Uggggggh.

Oh. Found it.

How the hell did I do that?

Oh Vonnegut. You make me so happy.

I should not be awake right now. I'm going out with Darci all day tomorrow. But I have to finish this journalism thing and just... sort of don't want to. :P So here I am, blogging. And the thing is, I'm actually tired. Sigh. And I keep effing playing Dynomite. Uggggggh.

In other news. I get my braces off on Monday. SO MUCH ECSTASY! (:


Booklist: Girl, quit updating me so much.
Me: Man, I'm sorry, but I just keep reading!
Booklist: WELL QUIT IT. I'm serious.
Me: ):
Booklist: ... don't be sad. It's okay. I know you're behind...
Me: :)

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. othello
6. all quiet
7. slaughterhouse-5
8. a separate peace
9. wizards (collection of short stories)
10. cat's cradle
11. with the old breed
12. one flew over the cuckoo's nest
13. 13 little blue envelopes
14. extremely loud and incredibly close
15. youtube: an insider's guide to climbing the charts
16. timequake
17. how we are hungry
18. liberation
19. mcsweeney's book of lists
20. the bermudez triangle
21. running with scissors
[22. you shall know our velocity!]

I feel like I should do some sort of victory dance. But I'm a wee bit too tired. I guess I'll just read s'more.



I love books.
I love the feel of them,
I love turning back the pages, watching my progress as I go and go and go...

I love immersing myself in them, completely and honestly, becoming the character's guarding them, seeing how they act, wondering what they'll screw up next...

I love finding the nuggets of genius, laughing at something no one else around me "gets," love the similes and the metaphors and looking for themes.

I hate talking about specific books.
I think that's a thing for classes.
I think that's something for trained professionals.

I mean, I can understand them well enough, and I feel confident with my own evaluations of the books, but people often... ask me about books.

I mean... what is there to say?
"I just finished my book."
"Was it good?"
"Yeah, I liked it well enough..."
"What's it about?"

... I don't like that question. I hardly like the "Was it good?" question. I mean... the "good"ness of a book is... irrelevant. How well I liked it is irrelevant. The book itself is a triumph of human energy and potential and amazingness - to have something published, to see your name on the spine... I don't want anything to be boiled down to "Was it good? Did you like it?" Because that's not what reading is about!

Not to me, anyway.

Books are not tools of enjoyment. They are tools to broaden one's mind, to expose you to thinks you would otherwise be unexposed to. They are the epitome of the human experience -- of human joy and human suffering and human growth and revival and romance and bromance and of life. Books are living things on their own.

Now, yes, some books are better than others. There's the mindfluff, the chick lit; there's Twilight, but even it has merit, even it has a theme. A theme I don't agree with, but it's there.

I just want to go to school, talk about books with intellects (not just like-minded people, of course), discuss the subtleties. I just want to read the raw copy of a book, improve it, make it great, make it something libraries and bookstores can't keep on the shelves, teachers rave over; something that gets taught, or at least discussed, something that people can understand and something that will expand minds and change hearts.

Alright. There's my blog. I'm gonna go read now.

booklist and dreams.

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. othello
6. all quiet
7. slaughterhouse-5
8. a separate peace
9. wizards (collection of short stories)
10. cat's cradle
11. with the old breed
12. one flew over the cuckoo's nest
13. 13 little blue envelopes
14. extremely loud and incredibly close
15. youtube: an insider's guide to climbing the charts
16. timequake
17. how we are hungry
[18. liberation]
[19. mcsweeney's book of lists]

Almost done with Liberation and the Book of Lists.

I had a dream about a book. Elmo was on the cover, in a Spiderman-like pose... it was weird, and it was called... "The Wellness of..." something. I don't remember. Such is what happens when one takes two hour naps. It actually sounded like a good book... in my mind... since I came up with it...


/// edit:

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. othello
6. all quiet
7. slaughterhouse-5
8. a separate peace
9. wizards (collection of short stories)
10. cat's cradle
11. with the old breed
12. one flew over the cuckoo's nest
13. 13 little blue envelopes
14. extremely loud and incredibly close
15. youtube: an insider's guide to climbing the charts
16. timequake
17. how we are hungry
18. liberation
19. mcsweeney's book of lists
20. the bermudez triangle

"Lucky" shirt.

Alright, so I have this shirt.

This shirt allows me to manipulate the sudden, random, and extremely consequential physical shifts in the universe in my favor. In some complicated, unscientific manner, I can, by channeling the power of this shirt, reap the benefits of the cosmos. It's awesome.

Some might call this a "Lucky Shirt." But no, I don't believe in luck. I believe in sudden, random, and extremely consequential shifts in the physical universe.

I've decided that the source of all this "luck," this portal to my manipulation, can be traced to the Hallows and Horcruxes Ball 2009. I'm sure you've all read that blog post, about how awesome my night was and all. I was wearing this shirt. And I think all that Awesome allows me to harness the powers of the Cosmos.


I've been looking through my old journal. Actually it's not that old, just a year, and it's just now filled up. My earliest entries express the same thoughts I have today:
"What's sexy about saliva?"
"wordswordswords... and that's why I hate gym class."
"Question: How did Jell-O get popular and why did they move into pudding territory?"
"My bladder is full, but I refuse to pee."
"Is it bad that I remember which way is east because of the term 'East Coast?'"

Just a sample.

I feel awkward posting my writings up on the internet. I have no problem sharing the innards of my deepest, angsty, personal moments with the internet, but there's something so much different about my writing. I think it's obvious of what I'm more embarrassed. I think it's because I know that my feelings aren't unique, but I'd like to think the words that I put on a page are unique, and posting them puts them up to scrutiny, but that's my soul, that's where I live; in the pages of my notebook(s), in the post-its on my wall.

Anyway, enough of my inner-workings. Maybe gonna film a video I've been wanting to do. I have a few other rambles that I should write out, but I won't.


Seven hour shift. Starting at 10, going 'til 5. I'm tiiiiiiired. I don't wake up this early... :P

Have another video idea. I'm gonna try to hold off on posting it until next week sometime... you know, because I've been making too many videos and it's WEIRD.

Actually I have a few video ideas in my arsenal. So hopefully my Tubage Channel will BE NICE AND FUN. And I won't do too many vloggy-things, unless the Bookworm channel


The old favorite, ktentacles?
My actual name, katywesthoff?
Should I go with the period: katy.westhoff?
Oooh the double period. I don't think they'll let me do that.
Take the immature route and do penis?


My toes feel funny. I'm gonna get ready for work now. The facebook username thing will be there when I get home.

ZOMG SKYPE MADE A FUNNY NOISE... who the hell is "erlyn merl"? Why do they want to be on my contacts?


Kay getting ready for work FO REAL.


When it's dark and rainy outside, I feel better about sleeping late.

I took the first steps into Permanent Summer Hibernation by turning off my alarm clock. Now my only sense of time occurs when I wake up enough to look at my phone/open Darth (the Macbook). My only sense of the day of the week is my obsessive checking of my webcomics. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is CAD, then Tuesday and Thursday is Buttersafe! (Those are the only two that update on a schedule. Others update like my blog; randomly, sometimes daily, but still regularly.)

Noises of the moment:
Count the Shadows.
Dog barking.
Small children laughing.

Also, kid I was mostly talking to in that last (somewhat embarrassing) blogpost isn't leaving me alone. :P life.

Back me up here, blogreaders. This is tacky, right?

That's all I got. Gonna maybe start some summer homework... eeh.


I really wish my phone got service in my basement. I like to feel secluded, but sometimes someone *coughcough* will text me, and I enjoy that.

Also it would make receiving phone calls easier.

Earlier today:

-phone rings, unidentified number-
Me: Hello?
Them: -static-
Me: I can't hear you, one sec.
Them: -static-
Me: -goes upstairs- Hello?
Them: -static-
Me: Fffffff what is wrong with this house?! I get service NOWHERE!
Them: -static-

I called back five minutes later. Wrong number. Fffffffff.

Anyway. It's almost midnight. I'm gonna watch Ratatouille. I think I'll go up to my room and watch it on Darth, and hopefully have cell phone service. Also I have to go to Target tomorrow to get some shorts and a lock. My mom keeps bugging my ass about my lack of social life. I'm sorry, mom, I don't like hanging out with people. People bother me. I like hanging out in small groups, maybe one or two other people with me, not huge groups like everyone else, so it makes things awkward when I pull a certain person out of said group to enjoy a nice afternoon of just hanging out.

It's not my fault I'm socially retarded and seclude myself from every event. I like it better that way. Also I dislike being wet, so swimming is a no.

So I'm reading How We Are Hungry* by Dave Eggers. It's a gorgeous book, prose-wise, and it's so... depressing, almost. I don't want to spoil anything, but there's this one story (it's a collection of short(ish) stories) about this woman who goes on vacation. The really, really sad thing is that she goes on vacation to "get away," yet is able to perfectly predict everything that is going to happen. It's so sad.

And you know what I fucking hate? When people say I read into books/movies too much. Trust me, it's there to "read into." Authors are deep, they don't just throw shit on the page and sell it. Ffffff people are stupid and need to realize that just because you're not reading in/for a class doesn't mean the book is just an assortment of words on a page, and that there are still tones and themes and diction and metaphors and symbols to look at.

Anyway. I really love this book, despite it's sadness. I'm gonna try and finish it soon, less than 100 pages to go! (I think it's somewhere around 70 pages.)

Soooo off to Ratatouille. Sorry for this incredibly random/somewhat long blog post.

*Speaking of hungry... I'm gonna make some cheesecake soon. ... and I'm about to watch a movie about a rat chef. WTF METAPHORICAL HUNGER. LEAVE ME ALONE!

moving up.

I've abandoned watching Season 3 of the Office. It's far too saddening. I thought I could get through it by watching Season 4 first, knowing Jim and Pam are together and happy, but it's just so... sad. It's one of the darkest seasons, I think. You see Jan's full devolution into the mess she is in the fourth season. Dwangela is the only high-point.

Also, Karen is a bitch.

Although there are some very choice Andy-moments.

Anyway. I'm watching Psych now. Season 1. Yusssss. Thank you Jennifer. I'm kind of in love with Shawn Spencer. And by kind of I mean completely and totally in love with him. Sigh. Damn Fictional-Characters-are-way-too-Awesome-thus-I-fall-for-them disease. Mmmm.

My basement is too cozy. My parents keep trying to evict me, but whatever. My room is clean. It's just... nice down here. I can watch TV. I get internet access. I created a little niche in the couch so it's very cozy so I can read a book with the most ease. I'm even nicer to my cat for Christ's sake. Errbody knows I hate that thing.

Also there's the N-64... even though I can't find any games. I am playing Diddy Kong Racing a lot. Actually I just played it once so far. But I am going to be playing it a lot.

Still haven't started the summer homework. Except for the journalism stuff. Which isn't hard. Baaaah. I also have to do all this crap for this camp I'm going to... and it was due six or seven days ago... I haven't even looked at it. It's like health forms and crap. Baaaaaah. Do not want.

Anyway. Gonna watch some Psych and then read Why We Are Hungry by Dave Eggers, and ignore the world for a little bit longer.

booklist yup yup yup

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. othello
6. all quiet
7. slaughterhouse-5
8. a separate peace
9. wizards (collection of short stories)
10. cat's cradle
11. with the old breed
12. one flew over the cuckoo's nest
13. 13 little blue envelopes
14. extremely loud and incredibly close
15. youtube: an insider's guide to climbing the charts
16. timequake
[17. how we are hungry]

Right, Sierra. I am "sucking it."
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