I liiiiiiiiiike this game

I have:
* read four out of the five chapters for A Separate Peace
* collected some symbols for the reading assignment for chapters 1, 2, and 3
* taken notes for chapter 1 and part of 2
* taken all the angsty, confused-teenager blog posts off this site
* watched most of season 2 of Doogie
* five bug bites. WTF.
* prepared for my vocab test yay!

I have not (but need to):
* read the fifth chapter
* collect more symbols for all the chapters
* take notes for the chapters
* prepare for my field trip tomorrow
* talked to my teachers about my missed day due to said field trip
* trade in my Separate Peace book for one that isn't all highlighted
* watch the rest of Doogie
* given J-Lat her DVDs that I borrowed over spring break

things I need to get:

1. chapstick
2. my bookshelf
3. headphones for Neville


What Not To Wear

There are three types of people on WNTW.

Type 1: The Agreeable Type
This Type is the one that follows Stacy and Clinton's rules exactly. They may put up a bit of a fight towards the beginning, and may whine in their little video log about giving up their old life, but for the most part they agree with the fact that they need to be there. They tend to look for the exact outfits Stacy and Clinton show them and get frustrated when they can't find them in the store. Usually, Stacy and Clinton have to look hard for an excuse to ambush them in the store. They try very hard.

Type 2: The Rebel Type
They do NOT want to be there, they do not NEED to be there, and all their old clothes are totally fine. They'll bitch back to Stacy and Clinton's critiques and try to snag their old clothes from the trash can. There can be several motives behind the Rebel: hesitance to change, the belief that fashion doesn't matter, they think they're fat, that dressing fashionably is too expensive and/or too exuberant, etc. etc. Eventually, this Type may succumb and realize that fashion is more than an outer-appearance, it's a way to show your inner self, make an excellent first impression, and display confidence in one's body and lifestyle. Although not all Rebels make this realization and end up not having the two-months-later

Type 3: The Experienced Type
This would be me. This is the Type that has seen every episode of WNTW, and yet still has horrible fashion choices. They either aren't comfortable with their body or aren't conscious enough to make the change from their tweenybopper years. Usually the Experienced end up being like an Agreeable, but they don't get surprised as easily as the other Types. They're ready for the Trash, the 360-Degree Mirror, or the Ambush.

I love TLC.

booklist again.

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. v for vendetta*
5. othello
6. all quiet

currently reading:
two other books.

yeah, Slaughter. you is goin' doooooooooooown.

* Sierra and I made a deal. No re-reads and no graphic novels.

living with near-alcoholics.

my mom's drunk.
I hate it when she's drunk because she tries to read things and is all "I don't have my glasses," and I'm like "whatever mom. go to bed."
and she doesn't. and tries to read things anyway. and then whines at money. and tries to use big words. and calls me "awesome" and talks about college. and tries to give me life lessons. ghwoieugiheor my life.

inspiration include Transformers, R.E.M, Ministry of Magic, aliens, dinosaurs, Psych, 3OH!3, Super Mario Galaxy, squidfingers, some poem I wrote a while back, the fact that someone who works for my dad refuses to go to doctors and is convinced that having a chiropractor fix your back is the only way to get rid of a cold, words like ghwoieugiheor and karatetentacles, and the love in my heart.

spring break


Now for my Spring Break plans:
1. Watch season 2 of Psych
2. Learn how to drive
3. Take my dog on several walks
4. Clean my room
5. Read some books. I'm hoping to get through three. Seriously, heads up.
6. Work on mi padre's website.
7. Work on my art project
8. Watch Dougie Howser, M.D.

yeah that's about it.

here's the run-down.

Hosted by the K-State Children's and Adolescent Literature Community (ChALC), the K-State Department of English, SGA, UPC, DOW-MRC, and the Manhattan Music Coalition. Proceeds will be donated to First Book.

* The Parselmouths http://www.myspace.com/theparselmouths
* Gred and Forge http://www.myspace.com/gredandforgerock
* The Mudbloods http://www.myspace.com/mudbloods
* The Whomping Willows http://www.myspace.com/thewhompingwillows
* The Moaning Myrtles http://www.myspace.com/themoaningmyrtles
* The Remus Lupins http://www.myspace.com/theremuslupins
* Ministry of Magic http://www.myspace.com/ministryofmagicmusic

That's the right order, if I remember correctly.

Two-ish hour drive with my dad, my mom, my friend Rachel, myself, and my two sisters. We watch the Spongebob Squarepants Movie and the Incredible Hulk. When we get to Manhattan my dad had trouble finding the campus. But we found it and all was well. :) We bought our tickets and kinda chilled with the people like us -- found some fellow Gryffindors and just talked before they opened the doors. Bought a "Percy is a prat" t-shirt and a Parselmouths t-shirt. Rachel bought a MoM and another Gred and Forge t-shirt. We're gonna rotate. :)

During Parselmouths I was kind of towards the back -- not the back-back, but not the front, either. I danced with Rachel and two girls who were there who were all like "MORE PEOPLE SHOULD DANCE." I mean, Voldemort fangirl. That was brilliant. Voldemark from the Ministry of Magic came up and was the best dancer EVER. Oh my word it was beautiful. And as always, the Parselmouths had lovely voices.

GRED AND FORGE. By the way. I love him. It's just this guy Jarrod and he played a lot of the parts off his iPod and played the main guitar part and sang live. It was really nice. He played a REALLY great show. His new CD is coming out April 1st, appropriately, and I can't wait to buy it. :) I was a row or two back during this, and dancing like a maniac.

Mudbloods. Good show. They played some of their "muggle music." Close to the front again. Not much to say, they were pretty good. Loved the songs. The drummer guy was really nice and wore a really fun suit.

Whomping Willows. Aww. Jarrod came and played with him on the drums. Rachel and I were exhausted so we kinda sat that one out, but our friends that we made at the front row saved our spots. They were from Oklahoma. Long drive.

Moaning Myrtles!! Aww, they're SO good. Amazing voices. They came up for Gred and Forge and the Mudbloods before their own show. Aww. But yeah. It was great.

Remus Lupins -- it was just Alex. Then Adam from the Mudbloods came on with Jarrod -- again with Jarrod! -- and played a few songs, and Alex was soooo cute. He got all sentimental about all his friends being there and stuff, and then at the end, all of the bands came on stage and all sang Looking for Trouble together, and the whole crowd screamed the words, too. It was AMAZING.

Ministry of Magic. Oh my GOD. They were THE BEST. I LOVE THEM. More than LIFE. I'm not even kidding, I was dancing and jumping and screaming the words. When they first came on for their first song -- the Hero -- I'm not even kidding, I cried. There were tears coming down my face. And seriously. They were SO GOOD. They sang some songs from their new CD and they were amazing and I can't wait until it's on iTunes so I can buy it.

And alright. My claim to fame. My story.

So they're singing. I don't remember what song. Doesn't really matter. And Jason was right in the center -- dead in front of me -- and is getting really into the song. He has the mic stand and is moving it back and forth while he's dancing, and suddenly... it falls on me. Yeah. Awesome. So I help set it up again as best I can from the floor. Of course all the girls around me are like "Oh, you should move back..." because you know they wanted to steal my spot. I'm like "As if!" and push them back. Dummies. I think the song was the Bravest Man I Ever Knew. My favorite. But I don't know... eh. So the song ends and they're like "are you ok??" and I'm like "yeah, I'm fine!!" and then they're like "So... can you scream?" and I'm like "Well... not so much anymore!" and they're like "Well, get up here anyway."

So there I am. On stage. With one of my all-time favorite bands. And then they get a few more people from the crowd up and then all the other bands come up again and we sing the Marauder's Map.


I get to scream into the microphone and I danced with Kristina and Lena and I hug Jarrod and he lifts me up and I'm just going insane. It was great. It was fantastic. It was the single greatest night of my entire life.


Then it's over, I get a picture with the MoM [check facebook for the profile picture, haha], and we go outside. It's raining pretty hard. I go jump in a puddle. Then I give Lauren a wet hug, and I hug Jarrod for about the eighteenth time, and I just love life. I talk to Liane a little, just introduce myself and such. Then my dad comes and picks me up and I head back to the hotel.

Single. Greatest. Night. Of. My. Entire. Life.

ladder sail annoy environment meet information have ever

writer's workshop.
need to look like I'm doing something.
soooooooo blogpost!

la la la.

have ever-annoying information?
meet ladder-sail!
good for the environment!

ladder-sail has no annoy!
ever meet information?
now sail! have ladder-sail!

ladder sail has magic!
can save the annoying environment!

I mean... have you met
environment information!
comes with ladder-sail!

what I wrote.

meet sail!
wind on face,
heart on water.

more information about the environment
than any pamphlet or studies.

falling overboard,
annoying ladder,
can't climb,

someone pulling.
gasping, choking
have never felt so close to death
and have ever cherished life more.

meet sail!
meet adventure!

also what I wrote.
now I'm just copying and pasting.
twitter is being dumb and is updating my mobile updates several hours after I send them. and the other night, I couldn't turn mobile updates off via phone-ular, so I had to manually do it from twitter.com.

gosh. annoying.

dailybooth is still lame.
I love wheezywaiter.
I failed at truth or fail.
I got tired of not tom.

heard some gossip. so-and-so likes what's his face.
excited for this weekend. even though I have a test Monday for which I'll scarcely be able to study.
feel like @crayolaawonderr blogging like this.
I love @crayolaawonderr.
by the way, I too am on book 7, and I plan on finishing tonight. since I won't be able to over the weekend.


booklist update.

1. everything is illuminated
2. the average american male
3. inferno
4. life of pi
5. v for vendetta*
6. othello

currently reading:
all quiet on the western front

*V for Vendetta is a lengthy graphic novel. Actually, it was a 10-issue comic book series. Despite the pictures and the young-boy reputation that graphic novels and comic books have retained over the years, V for Vendetta was deep and insightful, more than just a guy in tights flying around with pretty colors. It is for this reason that I am allowing graphic novels to count towards my book count, as long as they span a good length. Comic book anthologies may also count, if they contain AT LEAST 10 comics, otherwise they will count for 1/2 a book and I will have to read two of them.

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