I thought this was funny

Yes, I'll actually be celebrating my 38th birthday on November 19th, when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows premiers.

booklist update

1. Huck Finn -- Mark Twain
2. A Farewell To Arms -- Ernest Hemmingway
3. The Great Gatsby -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
4. Scarlet Fever -- Maureen Johnson
5. The Raw Shark Texts -- Steven Hall
6. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao -- Junot Díaz
7. Paper Towns -- John Green
8. High Fidelity -- Nick Hornby
9. The Time Traveler's Wife -- Audrey Niffeneger
10. About a Boy -- Nick Hornby
11. Cold Mountain -- Charles Frazier
12. Rejoice -- McSweeney's
13 ah forgot the title will edit later
14. Will Grayson, Will Grayson -- John Green
15. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone -- JK Rowling
16. God Says No -- James Hannaham
17. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- JK Rowling
18. How to Read Literature Like a Professor -- Thomas Foster
19. Matilda -- Roald Dahl

I am so behiiiiind. soon I will add:
bowl of cherries
eats, shoots and leaves
lord of the flies
some other books I'm sure maybe the other potters idk

a false image. and some books.

I'd just like to clarify something, for posterity's sake.

I've only been to ONE party. Not several parties. Turns out, the reason I never went to one before wasn't for lack of desire, but for lack of invitation. I thought it was a combination, or that people didn't invite me because they figured I wouldn't be interested. As it happens, such is not the case. And that's fine. So don't go thinking my life is all different or whatever. It's not.

By the way, booklist. It's been a while.

1. Huck Finn -- Mark Twain
2. A Farewell To Arms -- Ernest Hemmingway
3. The Great Gatsby -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
4. Scarlet Fever -- Maureen Johnson
5. The Raw Shark Texts -- Steven Hall
6. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao -- Junot Díaz
7. Paper Towns -- John Green
8. High Fidelity -- Nick Hornby
9. The Time Traveler's Wife -- Audrey Niffeneger
10. About a Boy -- Nick Hornby
11. Cold Mountain -- Charles Frazier
12. Rejoice -- McSweeney's
13. Will Grayson, Will Grayson -- John Green

Currently Reading: Confessions of a Tax Collector by Richard Yancey

Jamming to: Bright Eyes, Taylor Swift, and Wakey!Wakey. Someone's Angsty!Angsty!! (it's me)
QT Dranks: 9.


to all the kids who have school in june:
hahaha suck my dick.

there are butterflies in my stomach every time my phone lights up.

I feel way more comfortable posting the intimacies of my life on my blog. No one reads it, and if they do, well, I have nothing to be afraid of.

And, I mean, for the really personal things, I have my angst tumblr. ;)

idk. Boys are dumb. I wouldn't even care about him a little bit if HE hadn't approached ME first. So I feel less pathetic thinking about it that way.

In other news.

As is probably common knowledge, I went to a party and got my drank on last... Friday, was it? No matter. The interesting part was I called my parents beforehand, just to say that I would not be coming home. The conversation went as follows:

"So what are you guys doing tonight?"
"Oh, um, I don--"
"Your mom thinks you're going to a party."
"Um, I, uh..."
"Be safe."

WHY DO MY PARENTS WANT ME TO PARTY. They want me to wear "normal" clothes and all this crap. I don't get it. I think they just want me to fit in. Apparently in the class sociology, parents have a need for their kids to have that "insider" status. And I completely get that. That idea of intimacy with peers, of being "in," not alone, all that. That's why inside jokes are so important, why humor connects people the way it does.

I mean, it's not like my parents are forcing me out to parties, but I can tell they've always been sort of worried about me. I'm weird and have odd habits and have had a nonexistent social life, until recently. And they're just encouraging this new "path" or whatever you want to call it.

Whatever I'm tired just some musings before I go to sleep.

QT dranks: 8
jamming to: jay-z and taylor swift
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